Something you may not have noticed about that Pauline Hanson burqa stunt

You’ve all either heard or seen by now, or choose to stay away from the disease that is Australian politics altogether, the moment on August 17, 2017, when Senator George Brandis shocked every single one of us by harpooning Pauline Hanson after her burqa stunt just recently?

For those who haven’t seen it, knock yourself out via the video below…

Now you may have already noticed this, but if not, you’ll be able to notice in the video above…

I admit, I was quite taken back to hear the words from George Brandis, and quietly smiled as he gave Pauline Hanson that much needed kick in the guts.

Not that it’s likely to change her thinking in any way, but…

Standing ovation!

I wasn’t the only one impressed it seems.

The standing ovations in the Senate chamber soon followed, first by the Greens, followed by members from the Australian Labor Party, and then followed shortly after by the cross-benchers, of which Pauline Hanson is one herself.

While members of George Brandisown party sat stony faced, some clapping, but remaining in their seats.

Actions speak louder than words is how the saying goes isn’t it?

A shining moment in the history of Australian politics, and a shining moment into the thinking of the coalition who couldn’t bring themselves to show similar support for one grand smackdowning speech!

Perhaps they were drunk? 😀

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