Geelong’s internet predator turns to identity theft to stalk his victims

Last night Facebook disabled my personal account for “impersonation of another person”.

No big deal really. It’s about the 5th account I’ve lost due to criminal stalking like behaviour targeting my online social media accounts.

I’ve previously been reported dead to Facebook via forged death certificates, and had my account disabled for copyright infringement for photos in the public domain. On this occasion identity theft was the method of fuckwittery used to effect the latest criminal offence that disabled my account yet again.

To effect that disabling, somebody (that somebody being a very highly disturbed serial predator, stalker, and obsessive fruitcake who spends his time stalking other grown men while blaming them) impersonated my person, creating a fake account using my identity to report my actual personal account and rendering it inactive.

Why? No reason needed. It’s a lifestyle for this disturbed supercunt, armed with endless victim blaming stories to unleash upon anyone silly enough to listen.

He’s as malignant as the most toxic form of cancer, recently pushing one his innocent female victims into a spiral of depression and anxiety, resulting in her hospitalisation for eventual cardiac arrest that could have ended her short life.

Why? No reason again. That’s nothing compared to kicking a 70yo man from his home of 20 years onto the street during winter leading to a missing person investigation. Even the elderly are prey for this super deranged fuckwit. Life has no value. Fuck anyone that isn’t him is how it works.

Wasting hundreds upon hundreds of hours of both police time and resources, unbelievable amounts of time and resources of the legal system via his blatant and quite open display of vexatious victim role playing, this cunt and his ability to cause serious ongoing harm to innocent people knows no boundaries and continues to this day on a daily basis.

As for my account being disabled…

Go check for yourself how to report somebody for impersonation to Facebook and you’ll soon learn to do so requires a complaint to be lodged via the impersonated person complaining themselves. Facebook won’t accept a report via any other means.

To summarise, Geelong’s police protected malignant toxic online human virus is again committing fraudulent identity theft to effect his attack upon people who want nothing more than for this mentally deranged human excrement to get the fuck off the planet until a cure for his psychopathy is discovered, ‘cos there ain’t no cure yet. You get this human virus for life dare you enter his reach.

Infant children, teenage school kids, volunteer firemen, past work associates, elderly women, my family and my friends have all fallen victim to the daily madness this protected species unleashes and there seems no limit to which laws he’ll completely disrespect to achieve the pain he delivers, for no actual reason.

I’ll be arrested yet again I dare say for daring to speak up to bring awareness to one seriously and highly criminal, toxic, psychopathic, dangerous idiot rampaging across the Internet and committing crimes without penalty in full view of police.

Law enforcement looks the other way, even when he offends right before their eyes. The media places him on a pedestal while defaming his victims every time he creates one then runs to media mates to turn tables yet again.

I’ve met some real fuckups in my time here on planet Earth, but you most definitely rate right up there as the most vile arsehole without a mere shred of empathy to ever steal oxygen from the good people.

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