Hear those crickets chirping?

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Well well well, didn’t Geelong’s well known internet idiot quickly shut down this evening…

Yes, that’s the sound of crickets chirping you can hear tonight.

For those unaware, Geelong’s well known internet idiot targets people online almost daily, then runs to police to play victim whenever anyone dares expose him…

He’s old news now folks.

The golden moment bringing silence from Geelong’s well known internet idiot was when he decided to drag up the fact I’d been jailed previously…

Like anyone doesn’t know that yet.

It’s not like I’ve never admitted to it myself eh?

The idiot is the only one I ever encounter still trying to raise the topic persistently.

Here’s the entire thread for your entertainment that took place on my public Facebook page just last night…

Our internet idiot couldn’t care less for the welfare of my victims…

He bolted for the hills once this comment landed.

You just worry about yourself fakeboy. Everyone else here already knows what you do. You’ll meet your victims in court… concern yourself with them before you worry about mine eh? Goodnight.

But our idiot does care very much for himself.

And that’s because his own victims will soon have the opportunity to expose everything he’s done to them while he anonymously attempts to target others who know, namely myself.

Said internet idiot has also openly targeted one of my past victims online under his own real life identity for over 2 years, hoping to incite conflict between her and I.

He’s that stupid, seriously.

How’s that for concern for victims of crime folks?

Our internet idiot openly harms victims of crime even further… like the unempathetic psychopathic piece of shit that he is.

All while a few members of Victoria Police actively protect the filth.

That’ll be handed up to a court shortly also, plus a lot more.

Do I sound concerned?

Not in the slightest.

Said internet idiot began his crap last night, trying for 5 hours or more to incite further trouble between myself and police.

Creating conflict is like a sport for this jerk.

Among other feeble attempts to once again label me as an ice junkie, something his own family is well known for dealing.

Truth is the mightiest of hammers folks against a complete fuckwit.

Hear those crickets chirping folks?

Every time he comes at me, he’ll cop a harder smackdown than before.

But come back he will, anonymously of course, like cowardly clockwork, because his mental illness knows no bounds.

If it wasn’t for this jerk, I’d never have known or cared less about how corrupt the Geelong Advertiser, BayFM, KRock, Victoria Police and whoever else assists him actually is.

But he’s thrown every single one of them under the bus to protect himself, time and time again.

The idiot has single handedly exposed an entire network of corruption throughout Geelong, from former members of council, right through to local members of police.

And they still think he’s worth protecting?

Yeah, they’re possibly that stupid.

Or just plain greedy, along with being stupid.

But since our idiot wants to keep coming at me… I’ll keep naming those helping him harm others while taking his money.

Insert another of Daddy’s coins to play again any time old mate, and I’ll remind you just how much you’ve hurt people, in full fucking detail, time and time again.

While he continues wrecking the lives of innocents, I’ll keep reminding him just how much stamina I have left to come right back at him like he never thought possible.

I can hear them… crickets… in the air tonight!

Oh lord… 😀

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