Nope! There’s no intervention order down here!

Lisa “I sit on Facebook all day breaching copyright laws and defending the Tsorotes family while breaching my own intervention order” Scott, is back at her games of shitposting lies in my direction again.

Just days after copping an intervention order restraining herself from doing so.

Slow learners these folks eh?

Here’s the latest rubbish from Lisa Scott, administrator of the feral News for Geelong and surrounds group on Facebook.

Lisa Scott has this to say, in defence of the indefensible Tsorotes family.

I can barely understand your attempts at constructing a sentence Lisa Scott, but I assume you’re calling me a liar about the Tsorotes family copping a 4 year intervention order, and you’re also defending them somewhat while further attacking myself?

<<rolls up sleeves>>

Let’s solve the problem

I’m into solutions, not problems Lisa Scott, so let’s go with a solution shall we?

A one solution fits all model actually.

Firstly, I don’t care what you or your mob of Facebook ostriches think.

Secondly, the Tsorotes family is who is important in this picture, since the intervention order concerned restrains them from certain activities, so let’s help them understand shall we?

Incoming reality

Since the Tsorotes family is in a state of denial about the 4 year intervention order obtained a week or so ago against them, tomorrow, I’ll do the following, just so they’re up to date on where they stand, legally speaking.

The things I do you for ostriches, sheesh

My pleasure, thank me later…

  1. I’ll visit a post office, tomorrow, with aforementioned 4 year intervention order!
  2. I’ll photocopy the bloody thing, multiple times over!
  3. I’ll post a copy to Michael Tsorotes, at 165 Moorabool St, Geelong!
  4. I’ll also post a further copy to Stella Tsorotes, care of the Myers Street Medical Clinic, also in Geelong!
  5. I’ll also post a further copy to Snezana Tsorotes, also at 165 Moorabool St, Geelong!
  6. All mail will be sent via registered post, requiring a signature before being handed over!
  7. Once I receive notification back from Australia Post the mail has been received, we can all move on.

Like I say above, I couldn’t care less what you believe Lisa Scott, but the Tsotores family will certainly become aware of the order, many times over.

Too easy eh?

Anyone I’ve missed that could possibly pass the message on?

Victoria Police have already delivered it personally to the Tsorotes family mind you, but I’ll make sure they’ve all got a copy now since it’s slipped their mind ok.

I’ll even go further, just so it sinks in

To further confirm Victoria Police have served such an order upon the Tsorotes family, while I’m at the Geelong Magistrates Court tomorrow, I’ll even grab the ostriches a court file extract from the court computer system, showing the exact time and date the order was served upon the respondent, being the Tsorotes family.

Anything else I can help you with this evening Lisa Scott?

Could you please ask your friends also, those friends living in strong denial, if that’s all they need from me this evening?

Grab yours while it’s hot Lisa Scott!

Speaking of moving on, Victoria Police based at Geelong have an intervention order waiting for yourself Lisa Scott.

Give them a call, and stop playing coward.

Face what you’ve have coming yourself.

I dare you.

Here I go again, doing my duty at snapping those living in denial well out of it.

Dare say it’d be easier for the ostriches to pop back to planet earth to live on, instead of that embarrassingly comfortable safe space they dwell in that only exists inside their thick fucking heads – heads that appear constantly stuck in a state of constant denial.


Fuckheads will be fuckheads.

And again, I’ll do everything I can to snap them the fuck right out of it until they learn.

But meanwhile, down the river De Nile we travel again 😀

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