Shots fired this morning; one casualty reported

It takes a reasonable amount of common sense to set rules for others to live by.

When rules are silly, people tend to reject them.

When I was a kid at secondary school, the school enforced a ban on any footwear outside the black school shoe variety.

That meant no desert boots, or their ankle high equivalent, Rollers, as were popular back in that era also.

Remember Rollers folks? I wore them.

Wouldn’t be seen dead in them now though.

If you’d like to take a guess at how long the rule forcing black school shoes onto students lasted before being overturned, all it took was for the students to use those uncomfortable black shoes to leave whopping great scuff marks along every indoor corridor.

Within a week, the principal was fuming, and the ban on alternative footwear was overturned.

Because the black school shoe rule was silly, and pissed off students, and also had no basis in achieving what the school was there for, to provide an education.

Ok, who scuffed all over Facebook?

Last night I posted an article that outlined the ridiculous rules concerning myself that are being thrown around on the internet, with immunity status being awarded without me even asking for it.

And that last article went down like a lead balloon in a shitstorm.

I reckon I was pretty bloody tolerant of Lisa Scott and her amateurish gatekeeping of her Facebook group News for Geelong and surrounds, but she’s seen my article and responded.

Lisa Scott unleashed one hell of an embarrassing fury in her News for Geelong and surrounds group which she openly claims ownership of, in direct breach of her own rules actually.

War talks

At around 7am this morning, discussion took place to consider the possibly of an imminent strike at the problem.

The decision was made to launch combat action and take out the prime target, being Lisa Scott.

I don’t know her, she doesn’t know me, but she’s about to meet me any day now – in court.

I informed those around me to make themselves useful and go pop on a flak jacket for protection, while I headed into the city to press the button launching a combat strike with full artillery force.

Meanwhile, here’s how you run a news service successfully

As somebody who has managed a large social media service which often discussed real life living people, and never had a single issue with doing so, I’ll offer Lisa Scott one good piece of advice, albeit being a little too late now, but she can file it away for next time.

Use moderation

Instead of singling me out and broadcasting to everybody who frequents Lisa Scott’s news group my protected species status, what you in fact should do if you want steer clear of any legal issues is use moderation and your own good judgement as to what should be allowed to be publicly posted and what shouldn’t.

Or give the game away before you cost yourself thousands in legal fees and risk criminal charges yourself.

Artillery fire, casualty reported

The Geelong Magistrates Court this morning granted myself an interim intervention order which now sees Lisa Scott in one very difficult situation.

All of her own doing, for not listening, and being stupid enough to fall for the same old manipulation tactics I’ve been telling you all about that all stem from the Tsorotes family and their smear campaigning.

Not only are Victoria Police now attempting to locate Lisa Scott to serve the above order, she’s also now unable to mention any word concerning myself whatsoever.

And to further complicate her issues, she’s unable to publish any information about me either, which means, anyone else throwing my name about in the group she claims to be responsible for, will also lead to criminal charges that Lisa Scott will be facing, nobody else.

And that’s not all

As I was granted immediate protection on an interim basis, Lisa Scott will now find it very difficult to oppose this legal action, as she will be unable to cross examine myself unless she engages the services of a lawyer.

I’m quite legally minded Lisa Scott, and you just found that out the hard way, and I’ll dare suggest it’ll cost  somewhere in the range of several thousand dollars if you wish to contest what has already kicked off this morning.

When I say something, like offering you peace for example and wishing you well, despite all the previous rubbish coming at me from your direction, it’s not because I like the sound of my own voice.

I fired back legally today, with one clear headshot taking down the problem.

And let that be a lesson to the next goose who thinks I just shit talk.


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