He looks stupid enough, “you’re hired!”

I still get creative now and then. Here’s something I wrote in a prison cell a while back…

I’ll be publishing the lot once I crowdfund enough cash to play the accompanying music video on a suitable digital billboard around Geelong if I can find one.

And a 1, a 2, a 1, 2, 3.. hit it!

There was movement on the networks, as the packets flew around,
The Tsorotes mob had a vacancy, and needed another clown.
The bloke who had the job before, well, police called him down the station.
And landed him before the court on menace via communication.

The Tsorotes mob, they didn’t care, they’d just replace old mate.
Qualifications were not necessary,  as long as you could hate.
Their need was another sucker, someone to wear full blame.
Because that bastard Trickey stole what the narcissists so craved..

Now Jason didn’t care that much for fame, free beers and shit.
As long as folks were happy, he could take a bit of shit.
But the Tsorotes clan were angry, and rushed to the Weekly Review.
“The papers are talking about this bloke, fucking talk about us too”

To be continued…

Just a question… do you Tsorotes folk ever realise, like ever, how fucking predictable and ridiculous you actually look on a regular basis?

Or is that kind of self reflective thinking not within the intellectual scope of family a psychopaths?

I might run that past the prison psychologist at reception next visit. 😀

Just wondering…

Bonus feature

Check out innocent victim of the year candidate Francine Gumina, and one of the Tsorotes mob chaffing at the bit thinking “we gonna stalk, we gonna stalk, yeah, let me stalk…”

Extended bonus!

Whoop, we have a late entry… double bonus tonight folks, enter Ralph Cerminara, the most hated right wing piece of shit in Australia by far (Google him if you don’t believe me…)


And now get a load of this… it;’s bonus central tonight folks!

Ralph Cerminara: the mad Muslim hater… terrorising women, sound familiar?

The Tsorotes family are actually a lot worse that old Ralph Cerminara.

But nobody cares about hurting women unless I;m the one in the paper, so…

Clueless as always, and usually drunk on cheap wine, is old mate Ralph Cerminara, with his insightful “???”.

Ralph Cerminara was at the ready to back up his new potential terrorist type mates, the Tsorotes family.

I was handed a bloody good hardcore blogging of myself for being naughty and creating a Facebook page that the Tsorotes family didn’t think of and they’re supposed to be the people who run the city ok?

Got that?

Not that I ran the city anyway, but they think they do.

Ralph Cerminara blogged me bad (the Tsorotes family actually wrote the blog content, because Ralph Cerminara can barely read let alone spell, hence the ???).

Give you a free tip Tsorotes loons.

When you don’t need to make anything up, the words just flow.

Like they do here 😀

The Tsorotes family made use of Left Wing Bigots and Extremists Exposed once or twice to defame myself.

They also at this time defamed a local Geelong woman who they painted as my partner, so they could then run with that lie to hurt yet another woman.

The female victims are fast adding up!

One such female victim was granted a 4 year intervention order against one of the Tsorotes clan just last week.

We’ll cover that topic soon, and take a look at the forged documentation used to twist an otherwise boring story into a hate seed for neo-nazi madness.

Ya gotta be very lonely people to befriend that flagwitted hate filled punk!

Then again, you do share a lot in common.

(Won’t the courts love this association, whoop!) 😀



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