Dildonics feature heavily in Tsorotes family shitposting

The topic of dildonics is a source of constant fascination for the Tsorotes family.

Dildo’s have featured on almost every hate page of theirs to date, making an appearance at Geelong Opinions and Scumbags Exposed, Take the piss Geelong, and even as far back as their first ever hate page centered around attacking myself way back in 2014, Banned From Geelong.

My archive of dildo related evidence on these shitposters is vast, but I’ll spare you from seeing most of it, because if you’re reading this from a workplace, you’re probably about to get the arse – if I were to post just a sample of some of the trash in the ‘yeah, nah‘ category.

Without fail, every few weeks, the Tsorotes family serves up their offering of dildonic shitposting on their latest Facebook page, Take the piss Geelong.

The childish craving for attention is right up there with piss and fart jokes that titillate schoolyard kids in primary schools everywhere.

Psychopaths usually always have a fascination with sexual deviancy.

It’s one of the the many traits of a diagnosed psychopath, as confirmed by psychologists all over the place.

Now there’s nothing wrong with a dildo.

They have their purpose, but on Facebook, a social media network frequented by children as young as 13?

Perhaps even younger. Not everyone follows the Facebook Community Standards.

Behaving in ways outside of a socially accepted norm is also another trait of the diagnosed psychopath.

Even a seemingly innocent topic of a man going a little batshit in the Geelong mall in 2016 is reason enough to throw a dildo into the works for a desperate attempt at attention the Tsorotes family craves.

That article (above) became this pile of junk (below), posted at Geelong Opinions and Scumbags Exposed during 2016, a Facebook page which Judicial Registrar Michael Bolte found was operated by a member of the Tsorotes family while hearing a matter in 2016 that saw my pre-school aged child granted an intervention order against the psychopaths.

As if Karen Matthews of the Geelong Advertiser didn’t already churn out articles worth grinding your backside on, the Tsorotes family somehow manages to delve deeper into the gutter of indecency and attempt to steal the limelight of the moment.

I guess when you have trouble keeping a girlfriend, because of your psychopathic ways that surface eventually, a sex toy is the next best thing for a little attention from somebody, or rather something…

The Tsorotes family have quite a thing for a detached penis. Piss and fart jokes, revisited, almost weekly, by the psychopaths.

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