The Tsorotes family are haxors now, and shit ones at that

Never a family who plays by any rules the rest of us are expected to observe, the Tsorotes family has been operating a brute force attack upon my website for the past 24 hours, attempting to gain access to administrative functions by guessing the administrator password.

After all the shit behaviour they inflict upon others, they find it difficult to accept what they should expect to come back eventually – somebody calling them out for their ongoing criminal bullshit.

They can’t silence me with their dirty money like they attempt with others.

There’s two sets of rules in Geelong folks, one for us, and one for wealthy parasites who think they can fuck anyone over they desire.

Being the cowards they are, they’re using a highly sophisticated botnet style attack, spoofing their location across many locations around the globe.

This website is backed up, in more places than one, and any unauthorised access will be dealt with under the law. And the site will be restored.

Police have been advised and have been handed plenty of evidence also.

Ever wonder now why I threaten the pieces of shit previously, telling them to get out of town?

They’re psychopaths, left to continue their 24×7 harm upon others, unchallenged, until now.

Of course, if they don’t like being called what they are, they could always amend their behaviour and begin leaving people alone eh?

That’ll be the day.

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