Sitting in my bunker

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It’s always funny reading media articles written about yourself, especially when the story is short on facts.

I’ve copped everything from having my neck fractured (never happened), having a Facebook page deleted over threats I’ve posted (never happened), stealing a credit card in Queensland (which did happen, but it wasn’t me – I’ve been blamed for it anyway), and having a car smash through my fence in Ballarat (wasn’t me either, but I’ve been asked about that too).

Already, my number one nazi fan boy, Andrew Wallis, at his latest Jason Trickey hate page titled Talking Crap, is running with the breaking bullshit news that Facebook has removed me from their social media platform because I’m “in troubles“.

I’m guessing he’s hinting at me being in trouble with the law again.


While Andrew Wallis is wanted by police himself.

Projection is strong with this bloke.

Andrew Wallis is a bit insecure you see.

Andrew Wallis doesn’t understand how people can learn things in life beyond being a childish jerk, how they can find better jobs than he’s managed to land, so he runs around the internet hating everything and causing disruption, because that seems to be all he’s good at.

I’ve seen nothing else of value come from the bloke yet.

IT guru or not (remember I’m not the one silly enough to mistakenly out myself as running a disgusting Facebook page defaming people left right and centre Andrew Wallis, that’d be you, more than once), what does it matter?

I know who I am, and his opinion hardly matters.

I think I’ll just pop on some Pink Floyd while Facebook sorts their shit and enjoy sitting in my bunker, here behind my wall…

“Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.
In perfect isolation here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come…”

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